Joshua Keogh Surfboard – M2 by Joshua Keogh – 6’9″ x 21 1/2 x 2 11/16 – M269
The M2 | 6’10”
Joshua Keogh shaping one of his surfboards. Pic Credit Joshua Keogh
· M2 ·
Joshua Keogh initially designed this board to fill the gap between his shorter fish and longer channel bottom twins. So, it shares the features that give the speed to the Monad but the rails, rocker and overall foil have been adapted from aspects that he has learned wit the longer channel bottoms.
A Unique Surfboard & Surfing Experience
Something that he also learnt with the Monad is that in order to liven up a board, you need to have all these features intersecting the same area of the board, under the back foot: a straighter longer outline combined with and accelerated tail rocker with a hip or exaggerated curve in the outline.
Now you got speed that combined with the vee, which gives a solid support under the back foot, gives the opportunity to easily roll from rail to rail while maintaining all of the elements forward of the fins, which provides effortless speed and glide.
Joshua Keogh. Pic credit: Joshua Keogh.
Some describe Joshua Keogh as a young man with a cosmic and sharp mind. We could not agree more when admiring the designs he comes up with and how they perform in their natural scenario: waves.
Joshua Keogh was born in a small coastal town called Merimbula in the southern NSW. A beach town surrounded by tiny mountains, if we compared them with the ones in Europe, located between Sydney and Melbourne, AUS. A town that keeps its quiet, relax and slow pace during the winter, but that attracts lots of tourist during Summer. He’s half German half Australian, and he has expressed his desire to connect with that part of his heritage at some point tin the future.
Joshua Keogh surfing one of his creations. Photo Credit: Joshua Keogh
“Everything is unique, but at the same time nothing is unique, it’s still just a planning surface made of foam, fiberglass and resin like almost every other surfboard” –Joshua Keogh.
The reason behind this rack is no different from any other ventures in our history: we could not find a simple, versatile and easy to assemble wooden rack, that was made sustainably with local wood as the ones we were used to construct for ourselves for our local stores. So, we decided to find the best partner in crime for this challenge: Astigarraga Kit Line.
The Pukas Rack it may seem like a simple rack but once you start playing with it, you will see that fits any kind of surfboards that make your quiver special. This rack will facilitate its storage, accessibility and display of that special quiver of yours, even if you only have one surfboard but are planning to add more in the future.
· VERTICAL DISPLAY · SHORTBOARDS | The rack should be assemble and located between 1.20 and 1.50 meters from the floor. As you see in the picture, we installed our rack at 1.40 meters for 5,4” to 6’10 boards or even guns!