Lost Surfboards – DRIVER 3.0 by Matt Biolos – 6’1″ x 19.38 x 2,5 x 32L – MH20152
…Lost Driver 3.0 Born from Stab in The Dark
Jack Robinson discovering the quiver for the blind surfboard testing Stab in The Dark 2022
Matt Biolos did it again and it made a winner! Always looking for ways to push forward his shapes, the last one to be delivered is the …Lost Surfboards Driver 3.0.
This one has been born into the latest STAB’s in the Dark high performance blind testing series, Stab in the Dark 2022 with the pro surfer Jack Robinson. It was not an easy task to make podium and this surfboard ended up second with very fine margins, but that was world tour surfer Jack Robinson’s final decision.
One thing that we are certain of, after watching the Stab in the Dark footage and listening to Robinson is that …Lost Driver 3.0 has speed, drive and turn hard and go wherever you want almost in a split of a second.
Speed, Drive and Fast Turn to Go Wherever You Want Instantly
Good thing about this board, the outline and rocker and other elements are user friendly, and it has no scary dimensions, so even though it is a performance shortboard, this should not be something to run from.
It is also similar to the Driver 2.0 in some ways, like the Driver series of surboard’s rocker, which will deliver instant speed on tap. The tail is a bit pulled in which gives the ability to dig into turns and push Driver 3.0 limits.
We were talking about user-friendly elements and those can be find in the foam, distributed centrally and then foiling out to the rails, which gives paddling speed and wave entry. Most importantly, without losing performance.
Which wave should you surf with a Driver 3.0 | Waves from just over waist high to way over head. It would fit perfectly with a cupped-out bowling wave; also with a bigger open-faced wave with power.
What about surfing skills? | If you are an intermediate, meaning decent, to a very skilled or advanced surfer, this board can be a great fit and you will have lot of fun with it. You will only now once you give it a chance.
…Lost Driver 3.0 Performance, Speed & Progression