Brown Microwave Television by Alex Knost – BMT VIRUS THUMBTAIL – 6’8” x 19 7/8 x 2 3/4 – VIRUSTHUMBTAIL68
Brown Microwave Television (BMT) by ALEX KNOST – BMT PERSONAL
· Model: Personal
· Size: 6’8” x 19 7/8 x 2 3/4
· Handshaped by Alex Knost.
· Shaped and gassed in California, USA.
· Construction: PU (Polyurethane Foam + Polyester resin)
· Fin system: Single Box
· Finish: Blue top tint and clear bottom.
· Fin not included!!
The fin system is Single Fin and Knost itself also has its fins. Therefore, we recommend the following fins to try out this board and discover new classic vibes.
Captain Fin – Alex Knost 7’5″
Alex Knost is a surfer who stands out for his style and personality. A genius or even an icon for many lovers of this sport. But it doesn’t end there, he is also known for the design of his surfboards, the Brown Microwave Television (BMT).
An Absolute “Back to the Roots” Feeling
Fancy some new sensations? Or should we better say… Wanna go back to the roots of surfing? If we were to describe these boards in some kid of way, the word would be classic. They are inspired by the oldest classic surfing we know, combined with an original design that makes them stand out, just like Alex Knost does. We love the fact that an special, unique and perfectionist artist as Knost, characterized by his uncommon style, decides to go for such a classic approach when it comes to surfboard designs. Oposites attract, and this combo is a winner.
With the double logos on the front, these boards are like a box full of surprises, hand-shaped for advanced surfers looking to discover new sensations and experiment with their surfing style.
This midlength features specially parallel edges, which makes it a really versatile and amazing board for any waves and conditions. With a wide shape that almost looks symmetrical, this board has a lot of volume, turning it into an easy wave catcher. This, combined with its thinner tail, that features a little less volume, it allows you to keep the boards manoeuvrability.
The fin system is single fin, so it allows a more open surfing. Overall, it is an easy, all round and fun board, with a double concave that also provides extra speed.
These boards are designed with easiness in mind. Made for clean knee to overhead high conditions. It’s an all round board designed to enjoy either a rad point break or a nice and gentle beach break without loosing that fluid classic surfing on the wave.