Adrokultura Surfboards – BOB’S – 9’4″ x 23 x 3 – BOBS94YELLOWSWIRL
BOB’s Australian Style Longboard x Adrokultura Surfboards
· Fin not included!! Recommended Fin: DEFLOW – CREAM 9 |
Adrian Lopez in his workshop in Sopelana, The Basque Country. Pic x Aitor Molina.
If the Australian longboarding style from the 60’s is the one you love, you just found your match with BOB’s. This longboard is shaped by Adrian Lopez x Adrokultura Surfboards. The main feature for Australian involvement longboards is that the maximum width is set back from the middle; you may say it has some nice hips.
The tip is always narrower in relation to the tail, if we compare this design to a classic nose rider.
Adrian Lopez designed the Bob’s to surf in the pocket for turning, trimming or noseriding. Since it is a bit of a technical longboard, the design has also been adapted in order to be a quite simple and easy to surf longboard. You can count on a great time if you bring this Aussie style longboard with you.
The design was inspired by the Basque Country and France waves so the boxy rails, nothing too exagerated, is another feature that will help with an accesible surfing.
A fin with some base so that when you go on the nose can provide stability, would be a good fit as long as it also has a nice rake and sharpness at the tip.
A fin with less base and enough rake could also work if it is straighter and has more area at the tip.
We should avoid a too big of a fin; we don’t want a “shovel” too big.
This longboard is designed to turn easily and be agile. The fin is a key part to support and drive such a performance.
Adrian Lopez didn’t know he was going to end up earning a living doing what he loves: surfing and shaping surfboards. Born in Sopelana, Bizkaia (The Basque Country), Adrian is a surfer since a very young age. He was born there and there also is where he learnt to surf and where he still surfs on a daily basis.
Even though he has travelled quite a lot, his basque roots run deep to the waves that saw him grow and shaped him into to a man. As he says, he gets inspired by mane things that he encountered during his travels, but the biggest inspiration and motivation comes from the coast and waves close to home. This is the reason why all the designs of Adrokultura are born with the waves that he usually surfs around home and France.
Adrian Lopez and Ander Mendiguren lining up the new Bob’s surfboards in Sopelana, The Basque Country. Pic x Aitor Molina.
He shaped his first board in 2012 for a friend. It was a Mini Simmons and since then, he has done quite some boards bit without any continuity or compromise to the job in a long term.
It was not until November 2019 that he decided to dedicate himself to shaping surfboards. Since the last ones he made were getting better and better, people and friends who tried them were happy and enjoyed them… Things were working quite well so he decided to give shaping surfboards a real chance.
“I like to make boards that motivate me to surf, that can work on the beach where you surf or on the waves that are close to home. I’m lucky that I’ve been surfing all my life which also makes me meet a lot of people. Those people are motivated by the fact that you make their surfboards, and feel even more motivated to surf them if they know that have been shaped by you, a friend as well. That’s what keeps my fire going when it comes to shaping surfboards, while learning and improving in the process.”–Adrian Lopez.
When ask about what inspires him, Adrian has a clear answer: People who surf and shape, that do both for a living. It is key to have an eye on them; they are really inspiring because they are people who test what they do, that try and surf what they create. They understand the whole process and the do their job with criteria. That is what Adrian is inspired to resemble and works for it everyday.
There are a lot of names in the surfing world that inspire Adrian, but among he’s my biggest inspiration we can find names such as Tyller Warren, McTavish or Chris Christenson.
“McTavish because I learnt to surf with one of his boards. It has also helped me a lot to extrapolate that knowledge of surfing when it comes to shaping and understanding the elements of the boards.
Christenson is a f***ing master. No matter what design he comes up with, what he shapes, everything just works in perfect harmony.”–Adrian Lopez.
We hope Adrokultura has a long life. Adrian Lopez finds his inpiration and strength on what surrounds him. He loves surfing and, as he has mentioned, it is the only thing that he has been doing consistently since he started, if you have in mind many others that had fallen by the wayside.
Now, not that long ago, he found this other passion related to surfing which brings him joy, a fulfilled sensation that cannot compare to anything else: going into the workshop being dedicated to his tasks, his things, his thoughts, being on his own…
“Trying to capture the ideas I have in my head, taking them to the beach, trying them, letting my colleagues surf them too. And from there, I just want to keep learning and creating. I’m going to keep trying for a long, long time.”–Adrian Lopez.
We will love that Adrian.
Who is Ander Mendiguren? Well, we are talking about Adrian Lopez and Adrokultura so we will start by saying that they are best friends. Mendiguren is very much respected and well round surfer credited by the surfing community in Bizkaia, The Basque Country. He also just became part of the International Vans Surf family and has been part of the Duct Tape ins South Africa with the very best. Congrats!
“What can I say? That I love him? I do! (laughs). I am delighted. It’s amazing to have witnessed the evolution of my best friend since the first boards he made for himself. I love his eagerness to experiment and, being a great surfer himself, I have full confidence in his designs and in all his work process. He knows what he’s doing.
The hard work and motivation he puts in making a good board, in making them from scratch, from start to finish. It’s awesome.”–Ander Mendiguren
What makes Adrian special for Ander Mendiguren are several things: He has a special sensitivity both for surfing and for shaping, glazing, sanding… The type of shape that he usually works on is destined to be part of a less conventional or less normative surfing. Nowadays is becoming more and more fashionable but it is also very interesting that people like Adrian can have greater visibility and impact because of that as well.